After Flood

A verified crowd sourced data hub for information regarding all the Do's and don'ts, waste management, personal hygiene and every other aspect which needs to be kept in mind while moving back home after the flood

Screenshot of App in Browser

Chat Bot

Facebook chatbot that works using the messenger platform, the chatbot allows for accessing information provided in the website in an interactive way


Shareable infographics for health, environmental and social awareness during the time of rehabilitation after a natural disaster.

Cleanup Guide

All in one PDF clean up guide that explains everything about post flood cleanup and post flood recovery of household materials.

The site is a crowdsourced data hub for information regarding waste management, personal hygiene, comprehensive clean-up guide and safety management.

The Times of India

a crowd-sourced data hub for post-flood-related content focusing on health and well-being. In addition to content in English and Malayalam, the site also hosts a comprehensive ‘flood clean-up guide’, apart from certain handy videos.

The Hindu

AfterFlood's Story

Team Behind AfterFlood

Bodhish Thomas

Project Lead

Ninan A Mathews

Content Lead & Designer

Aravind Mahadevan

Marketing Lead

Sachu Tharian

Operations Lead

Neil KC

Content Manager

Bodhisha Thomas

Project Management


The people who helped in shipping the content right

Our fabulous developers!